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All-Star Athletic Trainer: Shannon Drew

 Shannon Drew, Head Athletic Trainer, Cate School Shannon Drew, Head Athletic Trainer, Cate School

As the Head Athletic Trainer at the Cate School, a college preparatory boarding school in Southern California, Shannon Drew is in charge of keeping 275 students in 22 varsity teams and many JV teams safe every day. A New York native, Shannon earned her Bachelor’s degree in Pre-Physical Therapy from Elmira College and her Master’s degree in Athletic Training from Seton Hall University.

At the Cate School, Shannon oversees two physical therapists and one athletic trainer and works closely with the school’s medical director and orthopedic surgeons. She also serves as a dorm head in one of the underclassmen dorms and was awarded the Circumspice Fellowship for her achievement in diverse commitments.

While at Seton Hall, Shannon earned multiple awards including Excellence in Research and Excellence in Clinical Experience. In 2010, she presented a two-year-long group research project at the National Athletic Trainers Association annual meeting.

Healthy Roster Director of Customer Success Rob Mottice is impressed with Shannon’s in-depth use of the platform:

“As the Cate School’s lead athletic trainer, she utilizes almost every feature that is available to track, monitor and communicate her student’s health. As a result of her relying on Healthy Roster’s features, Shannon has provided valuable feedback that has helped our platform grow and evolve - benefitting all who use Healthy Roster.”

To hear from Shannon herself about her experiences in the athletic training field, check out her responses below:

Why did you become an Athletic Trainer/Sports Medicine Director?

Long story short, I injured my wrist in high school and didn't have an athletic trainer in my high school so I saw my primary care. They took an X-ray and prescribed PT. I went on to play field hockey in college and when my athletic trainer evaluated it, he referred me to our team Orthopedist who diagnosed me with a scaphoid non-union. I was so frustrated that it was missed and ended up requiring surgery. After working with my athletic trainers rehabbing my wrist, I started work I with them for my work study job and got hooked! I knew going into college that I loved science and medicine, helping people and athletics, so the field was a perfect match.

Without sharing any Patient Health Information, what is your most memorable moment as an Athletic Trainer?

Watching a student's time back on the court after a significant tibia-fibula fracture dislocation. I was so proud of their hard work in rehab, determination and fearlessness.

What advice would you give others, either currently in the profession or considering becoming an Athletic Trainer?

Have fun and keep your sense of humor. There will be hard days and frustrating times but if the athletes see you loving what you do, it builds their confidence and makes their struggle seem a bit easier to swallow. And don't be afraid to admit when you don't know - use your resources (doctors, ATs, PTs, etc)!

What do you feel people outside of your profession should know about your profession?

We are qualified medical professionals and we are great resources for our athletes - both for their injuries and for their doctors for further insight into what is going on with an athlete.

What is the key to being successful in the world of athletic training and sports medicine?

#1 Balance. Balance is something I'm admittedly still working on. It's hard to leave our work at the office, especially when things aren't going how you would like.  And #2 is being a lifelong learner. Our field changes so rapidly that staying on top of those changes is important. And it goes back to using your resources and learning from experiences and the people around you and especially what didn't go well.