Sports Medicine EMR Articles

Athletic Trainers Prevent Tragedy at Track Practice

Written by Tim Clark | Mar 12, 2024 2:04:05 PM

Happy National Athletic Training Month! 

Think we might get tired of reporting on these amazing demonstrations of teamwork and quick thinking, where the fast actions of a group of Athletic Trainers saves a life? Nope. Not tired of it. At all! 

So it all happened at Lamar Consolidated High School, during a routine afternoon track practice on February 22.

Lamar Assistant Athletic Trainer Jayci Boudreaux-Stewart, Police Officer Edgar Villegas, and Student Athletic Trainers Hannah Thomas and Brayden Wheeler played pivotal roles in the critical moments following a sudden cardiac arrest outside the field house at their Stadium.

Boudreaux-Stewart emphasized the importance of rapid response in such emergencies:

“The faster we act in a cardiac situation, the better survival rates an individual in cardiac arrest has. I am thankful that I was able to use my skills as a Certified Athletic Trainer to assist a student in need.”

The incident unfolded suddenly when a student collapsed and was found to have no pulse and had stopped breathing.

Displaying composure and readiness, student ATs Hannah Thomas and Brayden Wheeler jumped into action. Thomas retrieved a defibrillator, while Wheeler ensured the paramedics could gain access to the stadium by flagging down custodian Gilbert Moreno to open the gates.

With the student's life hanging in the balance, Boudreaux-Stewart attached an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and commenced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). She was driven by a single thought,

“He needs to be okay.”

She resolved not to stop CPR until emergency medical services (EMS) took over. Officer Villegas arrived promptly to continue CPR, reinforcing the team effort to save the student's life.

Officer Villegas reflected on the moment:

“My first thought was the safety and well-being of the student. The fast action of our team saved the young man’s life, and I’m thankful I was able to render support during the crisis.”

Their efforts were rewarded when the student's pulse came back, and he began breathing independently by the time paramedics arrived. He was transported to the hospital for further treatment, leaving the school and its community profoundly thankful for the positive outcome.

Lamar Consolidated High School Principal Sierra King expressed deep appreciation for the first responders' decisive actions.

“I am forever grateful for the fast and decisive actions of our first responders. I am especially proud of our student trainers for using the skills they learned in class here to help save a Mustang in need.”

This event not only highlights the critical role of Athletic Trainers and the importance of emergency preparedness but also coincides with National Athletic Training Month in March, which celebrates the vital work athletic trainers do each day.

In recognition of their life-saving actions, Boudreaux-Stewart, Villegas, Thomas, and Wheeler will be honored at the Lamar CISD Board Meeting on March 19, serving as a powerful reminder of the impact that trained and ready individuals can have in moments of crisis.