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Doctor Calls for More Diversity in Sports Medicine

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesIn her article on MEDPAGE TODAY's KevinMD site, Dr. Marissa S. Vasquez Machuca emphasizes the importance of diversity in sports medicine to improve patient care and outcomes.

Dr. Marissa VasquezDespite the growing number of female athletes, women, especially women of color, are significantly underrepresented in the field.

Only 2.8% of Black women and 2% of Latinas make up the physician workforce, with even fewer in leadership positions.

Dr. Machuca reflects on her own experiences as a woman of color in a male-dominated field, noting the challenges of breaking societal biases and the “dream gap”—the undervaluing of young girls’ potential.

To close this gap, she advocates for initiatives that build a supportive pipeline for aspiring women in sports medicine.

“A pipeline initiative would increase the pool of women committed to a career in medicine, specifically sports medicine."

By mentoring young women and empowering students, Dr. Machuca believes we can create opportunities for growth and leadership within the field.

Her personal motto encapsulates her vision of breaking barriers and forging new inroads for women in sports medicine:

“Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and make a trail.”

Read her full article here!