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How CPR Training Turned AT Jared Limbeck into a Local Hero

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesIn Edinboro, Pennsylvania, a moment of skilled response and natural instincts turned Athletic Trainer Jared Limbeck into a local hero.

Jared ATC Saved LifeDuring a volleyball match last September, Limbeck witnessed an official collapse.

Without hesitation, he jumped into action, administering CPR with the help of bystanders, ultimately saving the man's life.

This incident highlighted the unpredictable nature of Limbeck's role, where the routine handling of injuries and conditioning was eclipsed by a life-threatening emergency.

Limbeck, accustomed to the more common sports-related injuries, found himself in a situation that tested his training to its fullest.

"I mean it's kind of surreal. You don’t wake up thinking that you’re going to have to respond to that...you’re just doing what you’ve been trained to do,.

His calmness under pressure underscores the vital importance of emergency preparedness, even in settings where such incidents may seem to some as unlikely.

The significance of Limbeck's actions is magnified by the American Heart Association's sobering statistic: the survival rate for individuals receiving CPR outside of a hospital is as low as 10%.

This stark reality makes Limbeck's successful intervention all the more remarkable.

Recognition for his lifesaving effort came during the Edinboro Wrestling meet, where the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers Society awarded him the Lifesaver Award.

The support was evident as members of the volleyball team cheered and held signs in his honor, celebrating not just his professional abilities but his personal impact on the community.

Limbeck's experience serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of CPR and AED training.

"I mean I think that it is really important to just in general to have the certification... you never know when you’re going to be put in a situation where someone has some level of emergency."

His story is not just about the act of saving a life but about living fully, embracing the unexpected, and the profound responsibility that comes with his role. As Limbeck aptly puts it, life is short, and it's crucial to do what you love.

Watch the news story video from JET24 FOX66 YourErie here!