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Mental Health Matters Now More Than Ever with Your Athletes


Athletic-Training-News-Banner-SMOne of the biggest topics of conversation among Athletic Trainers has been centered around the mental health of students. While mental health has been an ongoing concern, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the situation for student-athletes and the medical professionals who serve them.

According to NAMI, one in three young adults in the United States experienced mental illness and one in ten a serious mental illness. The pandemic further contributed to these challenges because of online learning, isolation, and disruptions to routines.

Athletic-Training-1024x683The NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being study conducted in 2021 highlighted that student-athletes have had increased rates of mental exhaustion, anxiety, and depression since 2020. 

Their study revealed that a significant portion of student-athletes felt comfortable seeking mental health support at school and considered mental health a priority within their athletic departments.

We wanted to share an article on how one school is supporting their athletes' mental health. The University of Massachusetts Lowell added a mental health counselor to the athletic department, aiming to provide resources and support.

This support includes individual and group therapy, case managers for off-campus support, and telehealth appointments with a contracted psychiatrist. The challenges student-athletes face, including juggling multiple roles and the pressure to perform, are highlighted in the story.

Mental health counselor Noella Teylan-Cashman said:

"We've created more opportunities for student-athletes to access resources and we also have access to the resources across the way on the university side of things, so there are plenty of ways for student-athletes to find support."

The article underscores the increasing normalization of discussing mental health among student-athletes and how professional athletes' openness has contributed to this shift. The importance of offering diverse support resources and creating a culture of understanding and vulnerability is emphasized.

The role of athletic departments, coaches, and staff in providing training and support for mental health conversations is also highlighted. As well as the need for continuous improvement in mental health support systems for student-athletes, including increased training and awareness among coaches and staff.

Check out the article for greater detail into their initiatives. 

We also wanted to acknowledge that many schools may not have the resources available for mental health training and support. For many Athletic Trainers across the country, you may be the only healthcare provider that student-athletes have access to. 

You likely know to be on the lookout for mental health signs and symptoms that are reflected in the ways your athletes talk, their behavioral changes, and swings in their moods. As part of your preparations, it is recommended that you incorporate mental health assessments in pre-participation exams as well as create a plan for referral and treatment.

Take advantage of the resources available at MentalHealth.gov, the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

We know there is so much more to the subject, but we wanted to keep the conversation going about student mental health.

Keep up the good fight and keep listening to your athletes!