Sports Medicine EMR Articles

New Tech Streamlines Concussion Evals and Treatment for Athletic Trainers

Written by Tim Clark | Aug 27, 2024 5:28:24 PM

A new app could revolutionize how physicians and Athletic Trainers evaluate, track, and treat concussions.

Developed by Sway Medical, Inc., the Sway app offers a comprehensive and standardized approach to concussion management, providing Athletic Trainers and medical professionals with tools to identify, monitor, and treat athletes suffering from head injuries.

The app was recenlty integrated into the practices of the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix faculty and Banner Sports Medicine specialists to enhance patient care.

Dr. Steven M. Erickson, director of the Division of Sports Medicine/Concussion at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix and chief of Primary Care at Banner Sports Medicine, explained:

"It's a uniform approach that allows Athletic Trainers to systematically evaluate concussions, monitor symptoms, and perform cognitive and balance tests."

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) affect 1.7 to 3.8 million people annually in the United States, with 10 percent of those injuries resulting from sports and recreational activities, according to the CDC. Among American children and adolescents, over 21 percent of concussions are related to these activities.

The Sway app simplifies concussion care for Athletic Trainers by providing baseline assessments, which are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Erickson noted: 

"With baseline testing in the community, if an athlete gets a concussion, we repeat the balance testing in the clinic and evaluate them. The Sway app helps validate our treatment."

The app has been adopted by both amateur and professional sports organizations, including Major League Baseball umpires, who use it to monitor symptoms daily during recovery. Dr. Erickson envisions the app's broader use to improve concussion care across the country:

"We want to validate the app through research, aiming for national adoption." 

With proper training, Athletic Trainers can effectively use the app to identify athletes needing specialized care, ensuring quicker and more complete recoveries.

Healthy Roster has a new integration with Sway to help Athletic Trainers save even more time. Find out more about it here