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Northern Michigan University's Innovative Approach to Athletic Training Education

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesAt Northern Michigan University (NMU), the Health and Human Performance Department is redefining hands-on learning through its Injury Evaluation and Care Clinic.

This initiative clinic not only elevates the educational experience for athletic training students but also extends specialized healthcare services to both the campus and the surrounding community.

NMU Clinic They focus on the assessment and primary treatment of sport and physical activity-related injuries, offering a unique blend of learning and service.

Julie Rochester, an NMU athletic training professor, underscores the clinic's educational mission:

“The foundational purpose of the clinic is to enhance education opportunities for athletic training students.”

Thanks to its growth and the establishment of a significant partnership with U.P Rehab, the clinic has expanded its operational hours and staffing, providing students with more opportunities to gain practical experience.

This partnership is particularly notable for involving two certified Athletic Trainers, who are NMU alumni, contributing 20 hours per week to the clinic's nearly 40-hour operational schedule.

Nicole Coleman, the clinic supervisor, highlights the tailored learning approach that allows students to develop essential skills at their own pace, focusing on areas such as evaluation and rehabilitation. This personalized learning trajectory ensures that students are well-prepared for direct patient care in their future careers.

The clinic offers a wide array of services, including treatment for musculoskeletal injuries, post-operative care, and rehabilitation services, serving a diverse demographic from the young to retirees.

Emma Johnson, a master's athletic training student, and Abby Knight, a graduate assistant, both emphasize the clinic's role in providing affordable care, shorter wait times, and a valuable learning environment that sharpens their ability to treat various populations and differentiate musculoskeletal injuries from those requiring urgent care.

"You get a base of how to treat different age populations because exercises are going to look different, and explaining how to do everyday activities is going to be different. It gives you the knowledge of how to become a better healthcare practitioner.”

An integral part of the clinic's operation is the commitment to patient confidentiality, mirroring the professional standards observed in the wider healthcare industry. This ensures a safe and private environment for both patients and students, fostering trust and confidentiality in the open treatment settings.

From its modest beginnings in an athletic training classroom to a fully-fledged clinic collaborating with external partners, NMU's Injury Evaluation and Care Clinic stands as a testament to innovative education in healthcare.

By integrating practical experience with academic learning, the clinic not only prepares the next generation of healthcare professionals but also serves the immediate needs of its community, embodying the symbiosis of education and service.