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St. Xavier Athletic Trainer’s Emergency Plan Innovation Gains National Spotlight

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News Stories

At St. Xavier High School in Louisville, Kentucky, Athletic Trainer Evelyn Tandy saw a problem — and created a solution that's now gaining national recognition.

Evelyn TandyState law requires high schools to have venue-specific Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) that outline what to do during medical emergencies.

These plans must be visible and accessible to anyone on-site, from coaches and referees to spectators. But too often, these critical documents are printed sheets tacked to gym walls, prone to falling, fading, or being ignored altogether.

“It just wouldn’t do,” Tandy said.

Inspired by Facebook posts in a high school Athletic Trainer group, Tandy had a thought: What if I merged the two? One trainer had posted about weatherproof signage, and another had incorporated QR codes.

Tandy designed a hybrid using Canva — a durable metal sign that displayed the venue-specific EAP along with a QR code linking to the school’s comprehensive 40-page emergency plan.

With a one-time investment of $1,500, she created 20 signs. Today, every St. X athletic venue features one.

“They’ve been up for at least two years and look just as new as they did on Day 1,” Tandy said.

Tandy’s idea has caught the attention of emergency response experts nationwide for its accessibility, durability, and potential to save lives.

“They’re visible and people see them now and ask questions,” she said. “So, it’s an opportunity to educate on emergency response.”

Her journey to Athletic Training started after dislocating her kneecap during college soccer practice.

“Athletic training just kind of melded the sports world and the med-school world,” she explained.

From Bullitt Central to St. Xavier, Tandy continues to make an impact — not just in Kentucky, but across the country — one all-weather sign at a time.

Read the full story here