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How Industrial Companies are Overcoming the "Great Resignation"

August 11, 2021

Great resignation for industrial companiesIs your company dealing with the after effects of the "Great Resignation"? According to the most current Bureau of Labor Statistics report, U.S. job openings jumped to a fresh record high — which is an indication that supply constraints that have held back the labor market remain elevated even as though the pace of the economic recovery continues to grow. 

Employment in manufacturing increased by 27,000 in July, largely in durable goods manufacturing. Within durable goods, job gains occurred in machinery (+7,000) and miscellaneous durable goods manufacturing (+6,000).

However, manufacturing employment is 433,000 below its February 2020 level.

With jobs hard to fill, businesses are paying more to workers to keep up with productivity. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.2 hour to 40.5 hours, and overtime was 3.2 hours. 

Another worrisome trend from the report — the number of people voluntarily leaving their employment in June increased to 3.9 million from 3.6 million in May, well above pre-pandemic levels. Some are calling this trend the "Great Resignation", as people are looking elsewhere for improvement in their benefits. 

Does this "Great Resignation" Trend Affect your Company?
Your workers are working harder than ever and, with so many open positions, they have the opportunity to see whether the "grass is greener" on the other side of the fence. 

Holding on to your employees is more important now than it has almost ever has been. And keeping the ones you have safer and healthier is vital. 

By investing in an injury prevention solution that emphasizes ergonomics, stretch & flex programs, as well as a preventative LMS and ongoing wellness checks, your workers will know that you are concerned for them. Across the board, worker morale will improve. A culture of health and safety will be created. And you can keep them on the job and with your company longer. 

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2At Healthy Roster, we provide your employees with 24/7 virtual access to industrial athletic trainers. 

We start with an injury kiosk – which is an iPad stand that enables a manager to take someone with a workplace injury through a telehealth call with one of our athletic trainers. You can add a triage kiosk to any and every location, and every shift.

We also do virtual ergonomic reviews to ensure your employees are lifting, bending and doing their job in a way that helps to avoid unnecessary injuries. We back up our ergo checks with weekly and quarterly content for both your safety managers and your employees. This content is delivered through our mobile app or via the kiosk or web.

Finally, we keep in contact with your employees for ongoing wellness checks. How are they feeling? Is there any pain our ATs can help with?

By keeping in touch with your employees, we help catch issues before they become workplace injuries!

Talk to Healthy Roster today to find out how you can overcome our current employment crisis: 


categories Unemployment Report, 2021 Labor Report, Labor News, Bureau of Labor Statistics