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Athletic Trainer Saves Student's Life During Football Practice Emergency

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesHollidaysburg Area High School Athletic Trainer Amy Smearman’s quick thinking and lifesaving actions made all the difference when sophomore Spencer Davis collapsed during a football practice in September.

Spencer Davis and Amy SmearmanSpencer had taken a hit to the chest during a punt drill, and while at first, the coaches thought he had the wind knocked out of him, his condition quickly deteriorated.

Coaches Joe Montrella and Rodney Chism realized something was seriously wrong when Spencer's breathing became abnormal, and his color changed. They immediately began to assess the situation and removed his helmet.

At the time of the incident, Smearman was working nearby at an eighth-grade football game. When contacted by Coach DeLattre, she grabbed one of the school’s automated external defibrillators (AED) and rushed to the scene. Smearman recalled: 

“Once I got there and saw Spencer, I knew right away that it was an emergency.”

She, along with the coaches, began performing CPR while setting up the AED.

Their coordinated efforts, combined with the timely use of the AED, brought Spencer’s pulse back before paramedics arrived.

Smearman, who has been with the school for over two decades, had never had to perform CPR before but relied on her training and experience.

“It was scary... you knew at that point that this player’s life is in your hands."

Her ability to remain calm under pressure, combined with the preparedness of the coaches, saved Spencer’s life.

The attending doctors confirmed that the immediate response and use of the AED were critical in saving Spencer.

Thanks to the teamwork and skill of Smearman and the coaches, Spencer is recovering well and is already back to attending school and football games, a living testament to the importance of having trained Athletic Trainers on the field.

Check out the longer and much more detailed story here