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Utah Student's Family Credit Athletic Trainer for Saving Life During Cardiac Arrest

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesIn a remarkable display of quick-thinking and professional expertise, Curtis Cazier, an Athletic Trainer at Sky View High School in Smithfield, Utah, is being hailed as a hero for saving the life of a student-athlete who suffered a cardiac arrest.

KSLTV Dean Phillips, a 16-year-old student, experienced a sudden cardiac arrest while working out on Monday afternoon. Dean, known for his leadership and energetic presence on the football team, was immediately in dire need of medical attention.

Cazier, an Athletic Trainer with 10 years of experience, was attending to another injured athlete when he was alerted about Dean's critical condition. Reacting swiftly, Cazier utilized his CPR training – a skill he had never needed to employ in an emergency situation until that fateful day.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Cazier also directed Dean's friends to fetch an automated external defibrillator (AED) and call 911.

His prompt actions and calm demeanor under pressure were crucial in stabilizing Dean until he could be transported to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.

Despite the severity of the situation, Dean has shown remarkable recovery. He was diagnosed with pneumonia but has been reported to be walking and talking, signs that point towards a full recovery.

Cazier, who has formed a bond with Dean over the past couple of years, attributes the successful outcome to teamwork.

“The best part about my job is that I get to form relationships with the student athletes at the school. Without everyone working together the outcome could have been very different.”

Humble in his heroism, Cazier refrains from taking sole credit for the life-saving act, highlighting the collective effort of those involved in the emergency response.

His actions not only demonstrate the critical role of Athletic Trainers in schools but also underscore the importance of emergency preparedness and the ability to act decisively in life-threatening situations.

As Dean continues to recover, the community and his family are immensely grateful for Cazier's quick action and expertise.

Read the full story and watch the news coverage!