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Middletown Athletic Trainers' Emergency Plan Shines During On-Field Incident

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesFriday the 13th proved to be a day of preparation paying off for Middletown High School’s Athletic Trainers when football official Tim Hunsaker was injured during a game against Sycamore at Barnitz Stadium.

Mariah Woodward ATCAT Mariah Woodward, along with fellow trainer Corbin Shatto-Craft, played a crucial role in providing immediate care after Hunsaker was accidentally hit by a Middletown linebacker and collapsed near the Sycamore sidelines.

Woodward, who has worked at Premier Health since 2020 and Middletown High School in Ohio since 2021, described the tense moment when they realized the severity of the situation.

"It was obvious he was in distress."

Hunsaker was conscious and breathing, but his condition remained unclear, prompting swift action.

Reacting quickly, Woodward crossed her arms in an “all call” signal, a system established earlier that year to alert the team during emergencies. Athletic Director JD Foust immediately called 911, while the coaching staff raced across the field with medical supplies in hand.

Thanks to quick coordination, Middletown Division of Fire EMS personnel—who were at the stadium by chance that night—arrived quickly and assisted in placing Hunsaker on a spine board before transporting him to Atrium Medical Center.

Reflecting on the incident, Woodward credited the emergency action plan they practice every season.

“There are so many things that can go wrong on a Friday night. Obviously, our eyes are on the Middletown students, but we have to be prepared for anything."

Earlier in the summer, the Middletown Athletic Trainers and EMS personnel spent three days reviewing potential emergency scenarios, and their training paid off during this second home game of the season.

"It just all worked out real nice. All the dominoes fell into place. It was very rewarding to see a plan work."

Days after the incident, Hunsaker sent a thank-you note, expressing his appreciation for the team's quick response and professionalism.

Woodward and Shatto-Craft later reviewed the incident and wouldn’t have changed a thing. Check out all the details here