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NATA and ACSM to Address Collegiate Athletic Trainer Labor Crisis

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesFrom a recent press release, we found the following information and thought it important to share with the Athletic Training Community:

In response to the escalating labor crisis in collegiate sports, particularly in athletic training, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are set to release a joint statement aimed at addressing these challenges.

American College of Sports MedicineThis announcement is scheduled for a national virtual media briefing on Wednesday, May 8, from 1:00-2:00 PM ET.

The crisis, exacerbated by the post-pandemic "Great Resignation," has made it increasingly difficult for colleges and universities to recruit, hire, and retain athletic training professionals.

The forthcoming statement by NATA and ACSM intends to establish best practices and policies to ensure the highest standard of care for student athletes. Leaders from both organizations, including Brant Berkstresser, Kathy Dieringer, and William Roberts, will be discussing the details of the initiative, highlighting the need for improved working conditions and support for athletic trainers.

This initiative follows a comprehensive survey conducted by NATA and ICSM, involving over 1,120 collegiate Athletic Trainers.

The survey revealed significant issues like under-compensation, organizational culture challenges, and burnout, primarily due to increased responsibilities without equivalent pay increases.

The findings from this survey have already spurred preliminary discussions and the development of a white paper that includes an employee checklist aimed at bettering the work environment for athletic trainers.

The general public and media are invited to view the live broadcast of the webinar through various platforms including FACEBOOK, Instagram, and other social media. For more information on the organizations involved, visit NATA's website at nata.org and the ACSM website at acsm.org, where they delve into their roles in advancing sports medicine and exercise science globally.

Get the details and links from the press release here