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OhioHealth’s Medical Team Keeps 20,000 Athletes Safe at Arnold Sports Festival

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News Stories

Since 1989, the Arnold Sports Festival has grown from a bodybuilding competition into one of the largest multi-sport events in the world. With nearly 20,000 athletes participating in everything from powerlifting to cheerleading, ensuring safety is a massive undertaking—and OhioHealth is at the heart of it.

“It’s pretty awesome,” said Ben Bring, DO, sports medicine physician at OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital. “It’s really been great to see it grow and evolve over the years.”

Ohio HealthDr. Bring has served as the event’s medical director for four years and volunteered since 2013. This year, OhioHealth deployed 170 medical staff and volunteers, including Athletic Trainers, physicians, nurses, and even amateur radio operators from Franklin County Amateur Radio Emergency Services.

“There is limited to no cellular service at this event, so their involvement is invaluable to help make our team successful in caring for 20,000 athletes,” said Dr. Bring.

The team is prepared for everything from minor injuries like cuts and bruises to serious emergencies requiring transport.

“We have c-collars on staff and mega movers ready in case we need to move large athletes,” said Dr. Bring.

Each day begins with a team huddle and a venue walk-through to review emergency action plans.

“The huddle is great because it creates familiarity,” said Dr. Bring. “Everyone knows who’s who and what roles they play.”

Medical coordinator Sean McHenry, now in his fourth year, ensures Athletic Trainers are stationed across the event’s vast footprint.

“We want our Athletic Trainers to know exactly where they need to go, and how to respond if something happens,” said McHenry.

Br. Bring added:

“Growing up, who doesn’t love Arnold Schwarzenegger? He has such a big impact in the community.” McHenry added, “We’re just really proud to be part of it.”

Read the full story here