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Powerful Advocate for ATs and AEDs at Every School

Athletic-Training-News-Banner-SMEbonie Sherwood, a former tri-athlete from Stebbins High School, credits Athletic Trainers for saving her life when she went into cardiac arrest during a track practice.

Sherwood, who later underwent a heart transplant, was fortunate to receive immediate care from the Athletic Trainers at Stebbins, who performed CPR and used an AED.

Former HS Student Advocate for ATs and AEDs at All SchoolsFollowing the incident, Sherwood became an advocate for the presence of Athletic Trainers at all sporting events.

She emphasizes their importance not just for common sports injuries but for critical life-saving skills like CPR and use of the portable defiibrilators. 

In the WHIOTV-7 story out of Dayton, Sherwood expressed concern about the national shortage of Athletic Trainers, attributed to various factors like inadequate funding or fewer applicants.

She believes the absence of ATs can hinder athletes from giving their best performance due to fear of injury without immediate medical assistance.

Inspired by her experience, Sherwood is pursuing a career in athletic training, hoping to assist other student athletes as she was helped.