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Student-Run Newspaper Covers Award for Athletic Trainer

Articles for Athletic Trainers and News StoriesWe occasionally find news stories that feature Athletic Trainers and share them on our Healthy Roster blog. These articles come from online newspapers and usually focus on how an AT has saved a life or hit a major career milestone.

Rarely do we see a story from a local school newspaper, run and written by students. So, when we found one... we had to pass it along! 

This article is from the Cat's Eye View, a student-run newspaper for Becton Regional High School in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The story was written by Julia Bubendorf, Co-Editor in Chief, and covers how their Athletic Trainer is the recipient of the Educational Service Professional award.

Mrs. Caryn French is Becton’s 2023-2024 Educational Service Professional-1"Mrs. Caryn French has been our Athletic Trainer for 11 years, tirelessly dedicating the majority of her time to our students at any given moment.

As a reward for her passion and love for the community of Becton, Mrs. French has attested that she is, “honored to be chosen for the Educational Service Professional award by colleagues and community members.”

The job of the Athletic Trainer is to assist students with their sports-related troubles, warranting Mrs. French being present during school hours, club activities, sporting events, and practices. She is responsible for assiting injuries and for the rehabilitation of our athletes." 

The article goes further in-depth on their Athletic Trainer, and we really love this part: 

"After 11 years at Becton, Mrs. French’s outlook on life is as follows: “I have learned to not take life too seriously and to always find the good in any situation. Laughter and a listening ear can help heal in many ways and sometimes that’s all someone needs. I strive to be there for our athletes in more ways than the onlooker may see.”

"Mrs. French is an unstoppable force within our Becton community, bringing positivity and ease, yet discipline, to Becton athletes. She has proven to be a large part of the reason why our athletes succeed. Congratulations to Mrs. Caryn French!" 

Please check out the full story and give some attention to these future journalists!