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Time to reconsider POET? Is there a better way to onboard new hires?

January 7, 2022

on-site-rehabilitationAre you thinking about adding post offer employment testing (POET) to your organization in 2022? Or, are you having issues with your current POET process? (you're not alone!) Is there an alternative to POET that would be better for your company and employees?  

categories Great Resignation, POET, Industrial Human Resources, Post Offer Employment Testing, New Hire Onboarding, Manufacturing HR

What does your competition know about hiring new workers you don't?

September 21, 2021

Manufacturing recruiting and hiring tipsAt this time, there are a record 10.9 million job openings and over 8 million potential workers who are unemployed. Retaining employees is more important now than ever. Finding and bringing in qualified workers is a top priority for manufacturers and other industrial companies. Why are some businesses able to hire the right talent while many are unsure how to bring them in?

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Helping Safety Managers, Employee Turnover, Great Resignation