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Can Micro-Exercise During Work Reduce Absenses?

March 4, 2022

Worker Injury Prevention StrategiesAccording to a recent study, workers who performed brief, simple strengthening exercises during work hours (but not after work) prevented long-term sickness absences and days away from work. 

Read the article on Safety + Health magazine.

Even though sicknesses account for only about 1/3 of all lost work days, the research does show that strengthening, conditioning, and focus on physical well-being has positive effects. 

Injuries are the remaining causes for lost work days and we have shown, through our customers, that proper mobility training can prevent musculoskeletal injuries in workers. So, this study shows that even more can be done to reduce absences, lower costs, boost productivity, and cut recordables.

Check out the short article when you get a chance! 

Talk to Healthy Roster now to learn more about how we can help you implement interactive safety training videos, stretch & flex programs, ergonomic assessments, jobsite analysis, employee training, and new hire onboarding training at every location and for every shift at your company! 


categories Workplace Injuries, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Workplace Ergonomics