According to a recent study, workers who performed brief, simple strengthening exercises during work hours (but not after work) prevented long-term sickness absences and days away from work.
Can Micro-Exercise During Work Reduce Absenses?
March 4, 2022categories Workplace Injuries, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Workplace Ergonomics
The EHS Daily Advisor put out a 2021 survey "The State of Safety and Beyond" that really caught our attention. Have you seen it? Read more here. Take a quick look at their results:
categories Manufacturing Safety Programs, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, Helping Safety Managers, Workplace Ergonomics, Safety Survey
The One Tool Missing from Most Safety Professionals' Toolboxes
December 9, 2021Industrial companies know the value of safety training. Safety leaders have been conducting sessions on accident prevention, incident response, using personal protective equipment, and more to educate employees on how to do their jobs safely, effectively and in compliance.
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Safety Managers, Helping Safety Managers, Toolbox Talks
What are the 5 awkward postures to avoid in manufacturing?
November 19, 2021We are so glad you asked! The fine folks over at EHS Today just published an interesting article that talks about that very subject — in "The Wild, Wonderful World of Manufacturing Ergonomics" — written by a certified, licensed athletic trainer!
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, EHS Today
The football season is well underway and we're loving every minute of it. When it comes to safety for industrial companies, we would also love it if — the next time a game is on — you paid attention to the game-day morning shows. Watch as the cameras roam around the stadium while the players get warmed up before play. You'll learn something very interesting...
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Work Safety Tips, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, Ergonomics, Workplace Ergonomics
Safety professionals are always looking for ways to prevent injuries to their workers. And they are doing a very good job — since the 1970s, injuries and deaths in the workplace have been on a steady decline.
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Work Safety Tips, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Work Safety Training, Ergonomics, Workplace Ergonomics
Bureau of Workers' Comp: Reducing Overexertion Injuries
November 1, 2021categories Workplace Injuries, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Cut Workers Comp Costs, Ergonomics, Workplace Ergonomics
Ergonomics 101: The 5 Aspects of Ergonomics in preventing injuries
October 28, 2021
Ergonomics assessments prevent injuries; ergo, you need ergonomics.
Ergo is a Latin word meaning "therefore". But when used as a prefix it means work (which was borrowed from the Greek word érgon) and combined with nomics (borrowing the Greek word nomos for laws) it means the "laws of work". So what is ergonomics and how does it prevent workplace injuries?
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training
Top Challenges Facing Safety Professionals
October 19, 2021Safety managers are under a lot of pressure these days. They're dealing with an unprecedented labor shortage, a pandemic, and supply chain issues on top of their everyday challenges of keeping workers safe.
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Reduce Workers Compensation Costs, Workplace Injury Statistics 2021
The Secret to an Ideal Safety Culture Starts Here First
August 31, 2021"Whatever you do! Don't think about pink elephants!"
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training