The EHS Daily Advisor put out a 2021 survey "The State of Safety and Beyond" that really caught our attention. Have you seen it? Read more here. Take a quick look at their results:
categories Manufacturing Safety Programs, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, Helping Safety Managers, Workplace Ergonomics, Safety Survey
Amazon Warehouse Tornado Tragedy Sparks Phone Use at Work Debate
December 15, 2021On the evening of December 10th, a tornado tore through an Illinois warehouse that collapsed part of the building and 6 workers were killed and injuring over 40 (via NYT.) Many employees have spoken out about the fact that Amazon prohibits the use of mobile phones on the warehouse floors, except in the case of emergencies. The workers argue that their smartphone would have allowed them access to emergency weather warnings.
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Work Safety Tips, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Topics, Safety Managers, Helping Safety Managers
What are the 5 awkward postures to avoid in manufacturing?
November 19, 2021We are so glad you asked! The fine folks over at EHS Today just published an interesting article that talks about that very subject — in "The Wild, Wonderful World of Manufacturing Ergonomics" — written by a certified, licensed athletic trainer!
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, EHS Today
The football season is well underway and we're loving every minute of it. When it comes to safety for industrial companies, we would also love it if — the next time a game is on — you paid attention to the game-day morning shows. Watch as the cameras roam around the stadium while the players get warmed up before play. You'll learn something very interesting...
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Work Safety Tips, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, Ergonomics, Workplace Ergonomics
NEW OSHA Vaccine Mandate is here. Are you ready?
November 5, 2021UPDATE: This mandate is currently being challenged in courts
Companies with over 100 employees will be mandated to require COVID-19 vaccinations for their workers or do regular testing, according to OSHA.
categories Work Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, SAFER Work, COVID-19, OSHA Mandate, SAFER Workplace
Ergonomics 101: The 5 Aspects of Ergonomics in preventing injuries
October 28, 2021
Ergonomics assessments prevent injuries; ergo, you need ergonomics.
Ergo is a Latin word meaning "therefore". But when used as a prefix it means work (which was borrowed from the Greek word érgon) and combined with nomics (borrowing the Greek word nomos for laws) it means the "laws of work". So what is ergonomics and how does it prevent workplace injuries?
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training
Workplace Injury Statistics 2021
September 23, 2021As we help industrial companies prevent and filter out musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) to reduce costs and lost work time, we wanted to share our research on workplace injuries.
categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Safety Topics, Workplace Injury Statistics 2021
What You Need to Know About OSHA's New Enforcement Initiative
September 20, 2021A new enforcement initiative will protect workers from indoor and outdoor heat.
categories Manufacturing Safety Programs, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Helping Safety Managers, New OSHA Campaigns, OSHA Initiatives
MSDs Account for 30% of Workers' Comp Costs
June 21, 2021Musculoskeletal disorders are injuries that impact how we move and usually caused by the repetitive stress and overuse of our muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Over 66% of people dealing with MSDs say their jobs caused or aggravated their injuries. Not only do people suffer but there is a huge economic cost associated with these disorders of movement.
categories occupational health, MSDs, Safety & Wellness Programs, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training, Cut Workers Comp Costs
According to the studies, 69% of all work injuries are preventable. While workplace incidents have slowly decreased over the years, the problems persist. So does this mean that employee incidents and lost work days are in inevitable cost of doing business?
categories Injury Prevention Webinar, Workplace Safety Tips, Workplace Safety Topics, Work Safety Training