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Top Challenges Facing Safety Professionals

October 19, 2021

eWorks_Toolbox_meetingSupport-2Safety managers are under a lot of pressure these days. They're dealing with an unprecedented labor shortage, a pandemic, and supply chain issues on top of their everyday challenges of keeping workers safe. 

Those in safety have workers who are under a lot of pressure to be productive and hit quotas, and they know their people will continue to cut corners or compromise safety to get their jobs done. As they always have, these actions will have an extremely detrimental effect on your safety culture and safety performance. 

Enforcing Safety is Hard Work
So you're challenged to continue to enforce safety standards, which always includes enforcing OSHA rules and regulations. Of course, you know you've got workers who hate to follow rules — doing the opposite of what they're supposed to — and workers who find justification for any action they might do that's unsafe, as well as the workers who do follow the rules but refuse to "rat out" their coworkers. 

But here's the thing that you already know. OSHA works. The rules and regs are there for a reason. Safety has improved since OSHA was implemented 50 years ago. Work fatalities went from 38 per day in 1970 to 14 per day in 2018. And injuries have been drastically reduced as well. 

You're Stretched Too Thin
You are, more than likely, understaffed. You could always use one or five more safety professionals on your team. Why? Well, you know it's because employees spread out over large areas, working on many levels, during multiple shifts and at many locations. 

And worksites have tons of potential hazards all over, some even mobile hazards, and you and your team can't be everywhere at once. 

And you might have many people coming and going to your sites — sales people, suppliers, subcontractors, repair people, etc. — who are not trained or have the right safety/protective equipment. And it's very hard to enforce check-ins and check-outs. Some of the people on your locations may be under the influence. 

You’ve got to constantly make sure workers are up-to-date on training, certifications, and if you don't... this could lead to fines. And we know It’s hard to manage all their expiration dates and whether they have all the latest trainings. Which also means you need to take time to stay up-to-date on all their requirements! 

Injuries Still Happen
To top all of your challenges off, you’ve still got workers getting injured which hurts productivity, costs the company money, and affects the people you care about. As stated, even though fatalities and injuries are down... they are still happening. 

You're doing all you can do — providing safety gear, enforcing its use, conducting safety training, posting instructions and warnings, making sure cleaning and maintenance is done, eliminating obstacles and hazards, and much more — and you're stretched too thin to do even more. Right? 

Our goal at Healthy Roster is to help safety professionals become rock stars. We have developed technology to help you do your job even better than you already are. We want to prevent the injuries that occur at your company and when injuries do happen, we want to be there to help triage them. 

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2How do we do that? With Virtual Injury Prevention. Our service allows you to provide additional safety coverage to every worker, on every shift, and at each location.

VIP provides your employees with access to workplace athletic trainers — available 24x7 — to both prevent and triage injuries.

We give them access to our telehealth platform - which includes our mobile app, walk-up kiosk and hotlines.

  • 24/7 Access to Live Athletic Trainers
  • Triage Kiosk
  • Ergonomic Reviews
  • Preventative LMS
  • Ongoing Wellness Checks

Let us take help with some of your work challenges. With 69% of workplace injuries being musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), we can alleviate the traumas caused by doing repetitive tasks in the workplace, vibrations, pressing against hard surfaces, or having to hold odd positions for long periods. We can stop the send-outs to the ER or clinics for the minor strains and pains that create lost work time and days away. We can reduce the number of recordables you have. We can return employees to work faster and even keep your workers working by eliminating minor problems before they become major ones. 

Talk to Healthy Roster today and remove some of your heavy workload! 


categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training, Reduce Workers Compensation Costs, Workplace Injury Statistics 2021