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Did you know starting your VIP Pilot would be THIS easy?

August 24, 2021

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2Say the word "onboarding" to any manager or company exec and eyes will roll. Hard. Onboarding means starting something new, something different, and learning new things. Yuck. Nobody has the time or energy for that. But guess what? With Virtual Injury Prevention services from Healthy Roster, it's not hard at all. 

Let me show you. 

Starting with our solution to give employees access to workplace athletic trainers to prevent and triage incidents is relatively simple. And painless. Remember — our whole goal is helping to prevent pain. 

Once companies partner with Healthy Roster, we set everything in motion for you. We handle the intro calls, send out all the technology you need, dig deep to find out what your objectives are, help set up goals, and ask all the right questions about your teams and their needs. 

We help with set-up and testing. We schedule and conduct the employee Kick-off, where we explain everything with the perfect amount of details. We even help workers complete their intro call and download our app. And then we launch the initiatives designed to help you meet your goals and objectives.

We also time everything well so as not to overwhelm people. We know you're in a hurry to eliminate 69% of all workplace injuries, lowering the number of claims you have and the amount of insurance premiums you're paying.

But we want to ensure success of the program. We take a week after sign-up for our intro call with management and shipping out all your onboarding materials. We give another week to setting things up and testing. And usually 4-5 days to begin working with employees. 

Healthy Roster doesn't just "set it and forget it" either.

We work to engage your employees because we know they're just as skeptical as you.

We provide personalized consultations in the pilot program and show the benefits or working with an industrial athletic trainer. Most programs provide generic stretch & flex videos for all workers to use, but we conduct one-on-one interviews with your team and customize programs entirely for their needs alone. 

Once the early adopters see how well it works for them, we pass this along to larger and larger groups as we expand to all your locations and shifts. 

We share testimonials like this, from their fellow team members, to let everyone know this is nothing to fear and that the program is beneficial: Injury Prevention Tips in the Workplace

As you can see, your workers will love a program like this because it genuinely helps them do their jobs with less pain, strains, and prevents those minor injuries from getting worse (ones that can end up lasting a lifetime.) 

A powerful technology solution like Virtual Injury Prevention improves employee morale, keeps workers more loyal to your company, and lets them know that you care about their well being. When they feel supported, they will show up every day and do their best job. 

And it is easy to get started.

We start with smaller pilot programs, usually in the location that has the most incidents or the biggest obstacle to overcome. We show value and make it as easy to use as we possibly can. We get "buy-in" for your workers and we show their results to every worker, in every location, on every shift. 

Don't let onboarding scare you off. Get started with VIP from Healthy Roster today. You're employees will most certainly thank you one day! And sooner than you think...


categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety Tips, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Tech Onboarding Tips