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How Healthcare Providers Can Expand Coverage and Grow Their Business

July 25, 2022

Healthcare companies provide their services in the occupational setting to treat employees when they're injured and prevent injuries before they happen. They help keep workers productive, reduce lost work time, and reduce costs. We interviewed Dan Fronczak, President & Co-Founder of Healthy Roster, about how they help providers expand coverage and grow their businesses. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Reduce Workplace Injuries, Occupational Providers, Expand Coverage

35% of Comp Claims for Work Injuries from New Employees?

July 15, 2022

Virtual Injury Prevention from Healthy Roster According to new research from Travelers Insurance, in their 2022 Injury Impact Report, over one-third of work-related injuries occur to employees during their first year on the job. Regardless of age or industry experience. And they represented 6 million lost work days, making up 37% of all missed work caused by an injury. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Cut Workers Comp Costs, Workplace Injury Stats 2022

The absolute, hands-down, best way to provide safety coverage is...

November 15, 2021

So, the best way to provide workplace safety coverage is...

Too expensive. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Reduce Workers Compensation Costs

Do your injury prevention programs have these same 4 gaps?

September 29, 2021

Injury prevention programs have existed for decades. But 4 major gaps exist…

shutterstock_1850788324Every industrial workplace struggles to contain employee injuries.

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Work Safety Tips, Work Safety, Helping Safety Managers

Did you know starting your VIP Pilot would be THIS easy?

August 24, 2021

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2Say the word "onboarding" to any manager or company exec and eyes will roll. Hard. Onboarding means starting something new, something different, and learning new things. Yuck. Nobody has the time or energy for that. But guess what? With Virtual Injury Prevention services from Healthy Roster, it's not hard at all. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety Tips, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Tech Onboarding Tips

5 Unexpected Ways Companies Can Cut Expenses

July 14, 2021

Brainyard Survey on Ways Companies Can Reduce ExpensesA recent NetSuite article for CFOs — titled "5 Unexpected (and Painless) Ways to Cut Expenses" — contained an interesting survey, as well as useful advice, on how companies can conserve cash.

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, CFO Advice

How to Reduce MSDs in the Workplace

May 18, 2021

What are MSDs? 

categories occupational health, Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, MSDs

U.S Manufacturing Having Trouble Finding Workers, Leading to Safety Issues

April 29, 2021

Before the pandemic hit in 2020, the labor shortage in U.S. factories was already problematic. They found it difficult to fill a large amount of open positions. For many manufacturers and distributors, production got pushed into high gear to handle the increased demand from consumers. Despite the high demand for factory workers, most of the people who had lost service jobs did not migrate to the open jobs on assembly lines. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Labor Shortage, Workplace Injuries, Manufacturing Safety Programs

Amazon Obsessed with MSDs in Warehouses

April 27, 2021

Musculoskeletal disorders wreak havoc on nearly every business in this country. 40% of all work-related injuries are MSDs and millions of employees are affected every single year. The majority of these injuries are in the manufacturing and distribution industries because they require heavy lifting and repetitive motion.

categories occupational health, Virtual Injury Prevention, Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention

High Employee Satisfaction for Telehealth

April 7, 2021

Survey after survey finds that people were forced to adapt to virtual care through telehealth out of necessity during the pandemic but a large majority were satisfied with the experience and enjoyed the convenience.

What is interesting is they want to continue with those video visits after the health crisis has ended - as an alternative to in-person visits.

categories occupational health, Virtual Injury Prevention, Adding Safety Team Members, Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth