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Telehealth for Prevention and Triage versus Telehealth for Medical Care

July 27, 2021

Teleahealth for Workplace Injury TriageTelehealth has been around a while but it wasn't until the pandemic hit that people clamored for video chats with their healthcare professionals. Telehealth is, for most, an alternative to seeing their primary care physician in their office — mostly for people who cannot travel or live too far away. Most insurance companies now offer telehealth as a benefit, giving employees more options for their healthcare. But what about using telehealth for other purposes than a medical consultation with your primary care physician?  

categories Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Cut Workers Comp Costs

Building Trust to Engage Workers in Safety & Wellness Programs

May 28, 2021

As an industrial employer, you want to keep your workers healthy. They are your most important company asset. When employees miss time at work due to injury or illness it can create significant costs for the business in productivity, loss of the employee, training new ones, employee morale, and reputation. Costs can be overwhelming for the workers and their families in lost wages, medical bills, and travel.

categories Occupational Telehealth, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Safety & Wellness Programs

What's the Difference Between an Athletic Trainer and a Physical Therapist?

May 21, 2021

Injuries happen to us humans all the time. But never more so than when we're involved in physical activity—like playing a sport of working hard on our feet. We twist our ankles, strain our backs, and tweak our rotator cuffs.  

categories industrial athletes, occupational health, Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Industrial Athletic Trainer, AT versus PT

How to Get Employee Buy-In on Work Safety Technology

May 6, 2021

People hate change. Whenever you introduce anything new, people work hard to avoid whatever is new, hoping it'll go away. This is especially true of new technology (which most people usually grow accustomed to and soon cannot live without it!) 

categories Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety Tips

Amazon Obsessed with MSDs in Warehouses

April 27, 2021

Musculoskeletal disorders wreak havoc on nearly every business in this country. 40% of all work-related injuries are MSDs and millions of employees are affected every single year. The majority of these injuries are in the manufacturing and distribution industries because they require heavy lifting and repetitive motion.

categories occupational health, Virtual Injury Prevention, Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention

High Employee Satisfaction for Telehealth

April 7, 2021

Survey after survey finds that people were forced to adapt to virtual care through telehealth out of necessity during the pandemic but a large majority were satisfied with the experience and enjoyed the convenience.

What is interesting is they want to continue with those video visits after the health crisis has ended - as an alternative to in-person visits.

categories occupational health, Virtual Injury Prevention, Adding Safety Team Members, Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth