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What CFOs get wrong when trying to reduce Workers' Comp costs

September 9, 2021

shutterstock_1867360309Ask the CFO of any manufacturing business, transportation company, construction firm, or industrial company how to lower Workers' Comp insurance premiums and you'll get a handful of answers — most revolve around reviewing for open claims, fighting frivolous claims, cutting medical costs, and requiring worker drug testing. 

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Work Safety Tips, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, CFO Advice, Cut Workers Comp Costs, Reduce Workers Compensation Costs

How One Company Saved $252,000 in 60 Days

July 21, 2021

2020 Workplace Injury Statistics
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries & Illnesses report (published on Nov. 2020) the total injuries per 100 full-time workers remained unchanged at 2.8

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, CFO Advice, Cut Workers Comp Costs

5 Unexpected Ways Companies Can Cut Expenses

July 14, 2021

Brainyard Survey on Ways Companies Can Reduce ExpensesA recent NetSuite article for CFOs — titled "5 Unexpected (and Painless) Ways to Cut Expenses" — contained an interesting survey, as well as useful advice, on how companies can conserve cash.

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, CFO Advice

How CFOs Can Fight Manufacturing Employee Turnover

July 6, 2021

How CFOs Reduce Manufacturing TurnoverAs an industrial CFO, you need to demonstrate operational prowess, a mindset towards growth, and strong fiscal leadership.

categories Work Safety Tips, CFO Advice, Improving Profit & Loss, Reduce Manufacturing Turnover

How CFOs Can Reduce the Unnecessary Costs of Medical Walkouts

June 14, 2021

As the CFO, you're responsible for managing all the financial activities within your company. You are tasked with saving or mitigating costs where ever and wherever you are able but there may be an area being ignored that could prove extremely valuable. 

categories Workplace Injuries, Manufacturing Safety Programs, Work Safety, CFO News, CFO Advice