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Tim Clark

Tim Clark

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The Secret to an Ideal Safety Culture Starts Here First

August 31, 2021

Improving Workplace Safety-1"Whatever you do! Don't think about pink elephants!" 

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety, Workplace Safety Tips, Work Safety Training

Did you know starting your VIP Pilot would be THIS easy?

August 24, 2021

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2Say the word "onboarding" to any manager or company exec and eyes will roll. Hard. Onboarding means starting something new, something different, and learning new things. Yuck. Nobody has the time or energy for that. But guess what? With Virtual Injury Prevention services from Healthy Roster, it's not hard at all. 

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Work Safety Tips, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Tech Onboarding Tips

How to Reduce Workers' Compensation Costs

August 16, 2021

Workers' Comp insurance is a huge expense for most industrial employers and many are looking to reduce the high premiums they pay. As you know, Workers' Compensation is a necessary benefit to provide for employees when accidents do occur and employees suffer serious injuries. But there are ways you can reduce the number of injury claims you have and lower your policy premiums — and at the same time keep your workers happy, healthy, and even attract new talent.

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Cut Workers Comp Costs, Reduce Workers Compensation Costs

How Industrial Companies are Overcoming the "Great Resignation"

August 11, 2021

Great resignation for industrial companiesIs your company dealing with the after effects of the "Great Resignation"? According to the most current Bureau of Labor Statistics report, U.S. job openings jumped to a fresh record high — which is an indication that supply constraints that have held back the labor market remain elevated even as though the pace of the economic recovery continues to grow. 

categories Unemployment Report, 2021 Labor Report, Labor News, Bureau of Labor Statistics

How the Pandemic Changed Communication for your Workforce

August 10, 2021

Prior to March, 2020, the world and how we communicated was much different. All our work meetings were face to face. Salespeople traveled to cities to meet with prospective companies. Everyone climbed into the car to go visit the grandparents. We scheduled visits with our doctor and waited for hours a long time in the waiting room. But the pandemic changed much of that. 

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, MSDs, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Cut Workers Comp Costs

Calvin Johnson, in NFL Hall of Fame Inductee Speech, Discusses Work Pain

August 9, 2021

Calvin Johnson, a 2021 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee, gave his speech on Sunday in Canton, Ohio, last night where he talked about the reason he gave up football while still in his prime. Shockingly, after coming off a great final season, he retired after only 9 years, when he was 30 years old. He states that he gave up the sport because of a persistent injury that dated back to his very first season a professional. 

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Cut Workers Comp Costs, Calvin Johnson, NFL Hall of Fame

How to Get Your Employees to Use New Technology

August 5, 2021

Change can be scary for many people. Something new means a disruption in their lives. They fear they will have to learn something — and learning is never really easy — or that they won't understand it and they'll fall behind. Even worse, they think the new tech will replace them. So how do you get your employees to use new technology? 

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Adopting New Technology

Telehealth for Prevention and Triage versus Telehealth for Medical Care

July 27, 2021

Teleahealth for Workplace Injury TriageTelehealth has been around a while but it wasn't until the pandemic hit that people clamored for video chats with their healthcare professionals. Telehealth is, for most, an alternative to seeing their primary care physician in their office — mostly for people who cannot travel or live too far away. Most insurance companies now offer telehealth as a benefit, giving employees more options for their healthcare. But what about using telehealth for other purposes than a medical consultation with your primary care physician?  

categories Employee Telehealth, Occupational Telehealth, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, Cut Workers Comp Costs

How One Company Saved $252,000 in 60 Days

July 21, 2021

2020 Workplace Injury Statistics
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries & Illnesses report (published on Nov. 2020) the total injuries per 100 full-time workers remained unchanged at 2.8

categories Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, Athletic Trainers in the Workplace, CFO Advice, Cut Workers Comp Costs

5 Unexpected Ways Companies Can Cut Expenses

July 14, 2021

Brainyard Survey on Ways Companies Can Reduce ExpensesA recent NetSuite article for CFOs — titled "5 Unexpected (and Painless) Ways to Cut Expenses" — contained an interesting survey, as well as useful advice, on how companies can conserve cash.

categories Virtual Injury Prevention, Workplace Injury Prevention, Workplace Injuries, CFO Advice